Another Reason I Like Sports

On this election morning, I can’t help but think of performance as it relates to our political leaders and the direction of our country. The media has been infused these past months with men and women at all levels of government and public service proclaiming their superior performance record while degrading their opponent’s. The amount of money spent throughout these races astounds me, especially considering our country’s financial situation.

To me, actions speak louder than words. Rather than spend hundreds of millions of dollars and take so much incredible time (theirs and ours), why can’t these contenders step into an “arena” and emerge with a victor and a loser? Much as Mitt Romney and President Obama may have felt at times they would like to go head-to-head (like professional football players), there could be other ways the two men could try to highlight their performance: Basketball shoot off? Round of golf? Running race? Tennis match? Swim meet? Well, ok, I guess those aren’t necessarily their areas of performance (at least why we are electing them). But, perhaps our country could create a clearly designated and delineated time when politicians could present their ideas in a controlled and substantive manner—about 3 of the most pressing current challenges (up to 7 more other items could be identified/briefly addressed on single overhead slides) the next President of the United States will face. Each person could highlight his/her presentation with visuals incorporated into their proposals, including their role as leader. The American public could then have 24 hours, from the close of the presentation, to vote. For instance, the Presidential contenders could prepare as much as they want and in the way they want in advance and we would focus on their actual performances, much as we do when we watch Sunday football. Those, and all other athletes, prepare for years in advance much as politicians do. Yet, we as fans primarily focus on their performance game day.

Ok, back to reality and election day. Go vote!